Creating Future Energy Leaders

CERAWeek’s Future Energy Leaders (FEL) program provides promising energy professionals opportunities to engage with industry leaders in real-time learning and networking opportunities. FEL candidates, chosen by virtue of their high potential as future leaders of the industry, are submitted by CERAWeek Partners and supporting organizations. FELs form a unique community, building relationships that last throughout their careers.

Each year, the FEL program invites over 150 promising under-40 energy professionals from across the globe to CERAWeek to:

  • Partake in thought leadership discussions led by prominentexecutives and officials 
  • Interact with peers from an International, cross-industry community

FEL cultivates future leaders from energy companies and a cross-section of industries related to energy including: technology, automotive, agriculture, finance, academic institutions and NGOs. This program aims to empower this diverse group with unique perspectives from top industry and academic professionals, to meet the unprecedented challenges of the future. Exceptional candidates are submitted by CERAWeek Partners and supporting organizations.

Become a member

Please contact the CERAWeek Partnership Program team to be considered for participation in the Future Energy Leaders program.

CERAWeek Highlights